Living History at the William Floyd Estate

Mastic Beach, NY

June 1, 2013

We were invited by the National Park Service at the William Floyd Estate to put on a Civil War Living History as part of the local 2nd Annual Tri-Hamlet Community Day that focused on local historical sites. John Floyd, the great-grandson of William Floyd who signed the Declaration of Independence fought in the Civil War as 2nd Lieutenant of the 145th New York. As such we set our camp on the shady side of the Floyd home and performed to a continuous stream of visitors that were shuttled in from town. While very warm, we had dry blue skies and a very welcome breeze coming in off the nearby ocean.

Stacked Arms Background Music Two Generations of Nappi More Music Yes to Shade Private Fanuele Sgt Marshall Marching in One Rank Stay in Your Rank Firing Blanks Dancing Rangers Sgt Kent Framed Sgt and Ranger Your Correspondent Atlantic Breeze MUSTER ROLL