Official Opening
of Gettysburg NPS Visitor Center

Gettysburg, PA

September 26 - 28, 2008

Mother Nature was brutal to us all weekend yet the 67th NY stuck it out to the bitter end. In fact the National Park Service was most grateful to the Mifflin Guard for we were the only Living History group that did not cancel on account of the weather. We formed Second Company with the 61st NY and performed firing demos by the Minnesota Monument however we also marched up to the Visitor Center several times to perform for the huge crowds that flocked in for the weekend. As long, rough, and soggy this event was it was probably the shining momemt of fortitude in our entire regimental history.

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Colonel Scott Washburn Standing at Parade Rest Dress Parade Col., Lt. Col., & Major Standing at attention Our Second Company Our musicians Furling the colors Sunday morning Tom Holbrook with Colonel Washburn Tom Holbrook pays our camp a visit Assessing the day the 13th Vermont Infantry High Water Mark Your Correspondent no mercy Cemetery Ridge New Regimental Resting up One last photo