Land of Lincoln

Springfield, IL

May 8, 2006

Your correspondent along with his erstwhile traveling companion, Mike Dawes of the 9th Texas Infantry, had the rare opportunity to visit Springfield, Illinois and all things Lincoln. In one day, we visited the brand new Abraham Lincoln Museum, the Lincoln Home, and Lincoln's Tomb that sits just outside of town in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Remote as this city may be, this Union man believes it well worth the trip for all those donning the blue. Even my Rebel friend was impressed. This may not have been an 'event' for the 67th NY but it certainly was for yours truly and well worth the extra effort to upload on the site for all to appreciate.

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Lincoln's Presidential Years a surreal mix Mary Lincoln attempting to camouflage his Early Years The Abraham Lincoln Museum the Old State Capitol bronze (not chocolate) The Lincoln Home The Back Parlor The Sitting Room a stereoscope used the Lincoln boys the Bedroom Suite the Lincoln Bedroom Mary Lincoln's Bedroom The kitchen privy to much official business Your Correspondent